About me

Hi, I’m Anna, my goals and desires are to share my journey. Help families and individuals live a more natural, holistic lifestyle. By sharing my plant-based recipes, natural remedies and more.


My journey first began when I was pregnant with my first child in 2010. I found out in my 2nd trimester that I had a rare pregnancy
disorder called cholestasis (which only occurs during pregnancy). After that point, I began to eat healthier and cleaner as my body could not handle processed fatty foods. In addition, I also found out that I had a genetic disorder called Neurofibromatosis Type 1 (NF1), as well as preeclampsia on the day of delivery. To prevent possible liver damage for my son and myself, I needed to be induced 3 weeks early. Talk about a reason to choose to live a healthier more natural lifestyle.

Once my first son was born we began to live a healthier lifestyle. Everything that wasn’t natural in our house was thrown out and I began researching more for holistic natural products. Either to make myself or to purchase.

With my children and myself having a genetic disorder that increases the chances of getting cancer by almost 80%, I knew I needed to make changes. I wanted to do everything in my power to try to prevent it as much as possible. I honestly didn’t know how much NF1 would impact my families life. We were even more determined to be as natural minded as possible when both of my kids were diagnosed with a rare brain cancer called Optic Nerve Glioma. It was at that point that we decided to go fully vegan and only good came out of it. We were already living holistically since our first son was born, but we weren’t always eating healthy.

Having my kids diagnosed was life-changing. Our youngest went through 14 months of chemotherapy and along with all of the holistic remedies and our vegan lifestyle, his tumors have shrunk more than 60% (beyond expected)! We will continue to live a holistic, plant-based lifestyle as it has made a dramatic difference in a good way in our family.

My desire is to share our journey in hopes that it will help to inspire others to live a natural lifestyle!

I am not a doctor or a health professional, I am just a mom who is passionate about creating a healthy lifestyle for my family.



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